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Motorola Cleartone CM5000 Documentation

This documentation provides resources, test and research results for the Motorola Cleartone CM5000 TETRA mobile radio. It is not complete yet and every few weeks there may be new information available here.



Be aware that RTS/CTS Hardware Flow Control is mandatory. If you use a USB-Serial-Adapter, be aware that not all of those adapters support this feature. I use an adapter that utilizes the Prolific PL2303GT chip as well as the Motorola GMKN4067B programming cable.

Building a programming cable yourself is possible with a 3.3V FTDI/TTL Adapter/Level Shifter. The plug pinout can be found in the installation manual on pages 41 and 42. I did not test this myself so be aware it might not work! Do not plug the radio directly into a serial port as this will fry the radio!



This documentation is for the CM5000 Native Programmer v1.0.31.

This radio is not compatible with the Motorola Tetra CPS Plus! It can only be programmed by the “CM5000 Native Programmer”. Also using Windows 11 is highly NOT recommended due to possible driver issues!

The default login credentials for the software are username “administrator” and password “admin”.

To make the Native Programmer accept frequencies in the HAM band you have to change it's configuration file accordingly.

Configuration file default path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CM5000_Native_Prog_V1031\checkval.ini


Attention: The Native Programmer is bugged and partially doesn't care what you configure in this file! It is impossible to enter frequencies above 430 MHz, no matter what. More on that later.


First you have to read the radio (File > Read). This will take very long - that is normal.

At this point save the codeplug and copy it to a safe location. Keep the original, unchanged codeplug of the radio as a backup. Work with a working-copy.

Important: Do not change anything you do not fully understand. Consult the programming manual if needed.

The following settings are mandatory:
General > IDENT > Owner
MCC: 0901
MNC: 16383
SSI: (your 8 digit DMR ID (with leading zero))

I recommend configuring everything else first and not touching the DMO talkgroups. Enter those in the last step (see below).

When you're done changing your codeplug, save your Codeplug file to your computer and write it back to the device (File > Program).

DMO Talkgroups

Under Application > DMO Talkgroup you can find the DMO frequency settings.

When you're done with everything, then create all the DMO talkgroups you want.
The following values are always like in the table, the others are according to your requirements:

Mobile Country Code [MCC] 0901
Mobile Network Code [MNC] 16383
Group Short Subscriber [GSSI] 00000001
Communication Type Automatic
Duplex Spacing Type 1A
Reverse Operation Normal
Key Group for DMO Encryption No KAG
TMO Mapping 0000 : OFF

The Channel Frequency stays untouched at 380 MHz! Do not attempt to change it; it will not work.

When you've created all your DMO talkgroups, you are now ready to enter their frequencies. This can't be done inside the Native Programmer, as this is bugged.

  1. Save your Codeplug file as TPX Parameter File (File > Save As; change filetype to TPX).
  2. Now you can open this TPX file (which is an XML file) in Notepad++ (Other file editors will break the file when saving due to incompatible style and encoding!).
  3. Search for DMOTalkgroup and scroll down until you see your DMO talkgroups.
  4. Within every <NoList> entry (which equals one talkgroup) you can now change the value within <ChannelFrequency> to the correct frequency.
  5. When done entering all frequencies, save this file and open it again in the Native Programmer (File > Open; don't forget to change the file type).
  6. Now you can safe the Codeplug file as TPF again and write it to your radio or continue configuring in the Native Programmer.

Security (K) Error

The radio case has microswitches that brick the radio when it's opened by deleting all keys (TEA2 and network access). The radio does not turn on anymore and only displays the message “Security (K) Error”. This also can happen to non-encrypted (clear) radios.

To restore the radio it needs to be put into bootlink mode by pressing MENU and 0 while turning it on. The LED will light up green and the display will stay black. Connect the programming cable and start the programming software with the /BOOTLNK parameter added to the executable. Re-flash your codeplug and then restart the radio and the programming software.

Periphial Equipment Interface (PEI)

The 20-pin accessory connector is per default for programming for data transfer. The 7-pin RS-232C connector does nothing. You can find the pinout of both in the Basic Service manual on pages 43/44. The 7-pin connector can be used for programming and data transfer when reading the radio of bootlink mode, changing the mode from 20-pin to 7-pin in the Settings menu and then writing the radio again.

The default baud rate is 9600.

When sending AT to the serial interface and you get OK as a reply, it works properly.

Manuals and Software

Helpful Websites

If you have any questions regarding TETRA DMO or the CM5000 you can contact me via e-mail.

Also, if you think something in this guide is missing or wrong, contact me with the change and any source proving your point or giving further insight.

cm5000-docs.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/16 11:14 by oe6eir

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